Job Talent Temporary employment agency

Job Talent is an ambitious temporary employment agency with a focus on technical bottleneck professions and white-collar workers. With 14 offices and more than 85 employees, they are a fast-growing player. Both nationally and internationally.




Image campaign



With a national campaign, we generated a lot of brand awareness. The right digital strategy complemented by above media such as radio and LijnCom resulted in a huge increase in website visits and direct applications.

Radio spot

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A compelling radio spot completely tailored to the target group. Broadcast throughout Flanders.

Listen to the spot here


Employer branding


Content marketing


In the press

De tijd logo
“Waiting five months for Filipino workers? Better than finding no one”

Read more


Performance marketing

Inflow, inflow, inflow.

Of temporary workers who want to get started. The driving force behind Job Talent’s successful growth story. To this end, we link a targeted advertising strategy to performant conversion points. We also sink our teeth into reporting. We do not just monitor the CPC or CPS, but map out the full ROI down to ad level.

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