STG Sanitary wholesaler

Finding a hundred logistics employees for the brand-new distribution centre of STG, Sanitair Technische Groothandel (Sanitary Technical Wholesaler), at a time when scarcity dominates the job market. That calls for a compelling employer branding and a recruitment campaign that makes employees feel Right at Home.



A campaign that rests on three pillars:

1. STG is a merger of three family businesses: Sax, Schrauwen and Lambrechts. That family-based personality was preserved. In other words: employees feel right at home here.

2. The distribution centre is located along the E313, making it easy for employees to get there and back home easily and quickly.

3. STG’s products are recognisable to everyone: from shower trays to taps. A world where everyone feels right at home.


Online advertising

We used the key visual in online advertising campaigns, targeted to potential applicants. We distributed testimonials featuring employees who immediately felt right at home at STG through the proper social media channels.

A few months after the campaign kick-off, the target of a hundred employees was met. The campaign continued to run after that to attract even more high-quality employees.



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